Have you struggled with your health and tried everything?
Are you ready to take back your life and take charge of your health?
I get it: I see many many patients who feel stuck with their health or been told the solution is to take another pill. Really health is not found in a bottle but by treating all parts of you!
So I developed a new way of healing, a new way of applying the best of conventional, naturopathic, functional and lifestyle medicine–that is not your standard go-to-the-doctor-for-a-cure model. That model does not work long term. That model is great for those who are needing urgent or heroic care–heart attack, broken leg, traumatic brain injury, stroke, sever depressive episode–things like that. But I do know from experience that the more chronic issues like general anxiety or depression, high cholesterol and blood sugar issues, hormonal issues like menopause or fertility issues, weight gain and metabolic issues, thyroid issues, fatigue, autoimmune disease and chronic infections–don’t respond well to the pill-for-an-ill. We may get someone stable in the short term, but there is no cure, no resolution of chronic issues with the current model in conventional medicine–but this is where naturopathic and functional medicine shine when used correctly.
The CURE is in the whole body medicine.
So I took all my knowledge from several decades in medicine and boiled down my method into several areas I now call the pillars of health:
- Detox
- Nutrition
- Stress
- Mental/emotional health/mindset
- Biochemical health (hormones, brain chemistry, inflammation)
- Lifestyle
- Fitness/movement/bio-
mechanics–muscles, GI motility, how are things MOVING - Mentorship
So now with all of my patients I practice medicine in a new way. A way that gets great results, but also educates you on how to be your own best health coach and guide. This different way puts you in the driver seat, making you the creator of your own health and future.
I am super excited to announce several programs to help you feel your best and live to your fullest potential. My personal passion is to help people feel vital ~ to me this means great physical, mental, and emotional health. It also means an easy and fulfilling lifestyle, health, and diet regimen.
What are the outcomes of a Dr. Ali Program?
- To wake up rested and energized
- To be free from hormonal ups and downs
- To have lots of energy to accomplish your goals
- The freedom from chronic health concerns
- Reduce body pain and immune problems
- A great mood that allows you to nurture yourself and your relationships
- To feel strong in your body
- Less “blahs” and more “yes!”
Curious? Click here to learn more.

Testimonial from a recent grads:
“Dr. Bonville and her team have truly changed my life. As a previous patient of other naturopaths in town for the last 4 years, I have not felt as better as I have in the last two months. Her compassion to help and understand your body to begin the healing process is exceptional. Instead of putting a bandaid over a bandaid, she truly listens and wants to give you the knowledge you need to help heal. She has changed my life for the better in a matter of months after what was years searching for what she gave back to me! I cannot thank her and her team enough for taking the time to know their patients and making it a point to truly help and heal! ”
“I was struggling with my hormones and weight! Dr Ali was very encouraging and I felt very comfortable with her and I was able to lear a lot about health and I lost 24 pounds!”
“Dr. Ali and her team were very thorough and helpful. The regular check-ins, accountability, and emails were very supportive and transformative.”
“From the moment I stepped into the office I was met with such lovely, positive, helpful staff. I’ve felt the work with Dr. Ali to be such a wonderful and healthy experience. I loved EVERYTHING about about working with Dr. Ali, she was so attentive to medical health. I know I can count on her to address my needs in the future as well!”
“Working with Dr. Ali reduced my sugar cravings and now I have less blood sugar ups and downs, which has really helped my mood! My husband reports it’s like having the real me back again!”