Along with all the wonderful things about this time of year, lots of activities, playing in the snow, and visitors dropping in to ski for the weekend, we can also experience stress, overwhelm, colds and flu. It often seems like these intruders sneak up and attack and there’s nothing we can really do about it.
Not true. Taking excellent care of yourself, scheduling down time, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated can all go along way in keeping you feeling your best. Today we’re going to focus on colds and flu.
Even with the best self-care, a particularly virulent cold virus can still make it through your body’s defenses.
Are you doomed to a week or ten days of misery?
Not necessarily.
First of all, pay attention to the signals your body is sending. Is there a slight scratchiness in your throat? Or do you typically get a headache, fatigue, and general achiness?
You can give your immune system a quick boost with fresh ginger tea. Take a few slices of fresh ginger root (I use a couple of ¼-1/2 “ slices and smash them with the side of a knife-you could also grate it), a squeeze of lemon, and a teaspoon of honey and place them in a mug. Pour in very hot water and steep for about five minutes. Breathe in the steam, relax, and sip slowly. Fresh ginger tea is both soothing and amazingly effective at boosting the immune system.
In Chinese medicine, we recognize several types of colds, and have several well-developed and time-tested herbal formulas used to fight them. Taking a few loading doses of the correct formula (I really like Cold Quell) at the very first whisper of symptoms will often avert the illness. If the cold does take hold, it should be shorter and less severe than it would have been.
Acupuncture can also be amazingly effective in warding off a cold or help you feel better if you’re already sick. Don’t cancel an appointment if you’re not feeling well! A treatment will help you feel better and get better faster.
My hope is that you will have a happy and healthy winter season, but if a cold or flu threatens, please give me a call for some help here at Spring.