Detoxification – Just What the Body Needs

By Jennifer Krieger, ND

Detoxification is a complex biochemical process that is designed to remove wastes and toxins and cleanse the body’s cells.  People often ask: Can you actually detox your body? The main ways our bodies detox is through the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Everything that is put into our mouths (medications, food, drink, supplements, alcohol, junk food) will pass through the liver for elimination before being dispersed throughout the rest of the body.  We are also exposed to environmental toxins on a daily basis – pesticides, herbicides, solvents, heavy metals, plastics, chemicals – through our water, air, soil and food supplies. In addition to these external environmental factors, our bodies will create free radicals through the internal metabolism of breakdown of hormones and various biochemical reactions as a means of life.

Wouldn’t you want to help out your body and give your liver a little extra love if you could?  Did you know that you can? You can support your body’s natural detoxification process through various supplements that are aimed at liver support and gastrointestinal elimination, and give these processes an extra boost by also eating an anti-inflammatory and organic diet.  I recommend patients perform a detoxification cleanse twice yearly to give their bodies the best outcome at overall health. Detoxification is also something I discuss with my patients who have gone through conventional cancer treatments as well.

A detox might be indicated for you if you suffer from any of these symptoms:

  • Early aging
  • Headaches
  • Multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Allergies
  • Fatigue
  • Acne
  • Brain fog, difficulty concentrating
  • Foul smelling breath or stools
  • Pain – joint & muscle
  • Nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis
  • Rashes
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Hormone issues, imbalances


If you are interested in a medically guided detoxification program, please contact the clinic by Clicking here for a complimentary fifteen minute visit to learn more and to see if detoxification is appropriate for you! or Call Us at 406-586-2626!


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